About me
I was born in 1975 in Zürich. I grew up by the Zürichsee and attended the wonderful Kanti Küsnacht secondary school from where I graduated in 1996. So of course I speak Zürich German or better "Züritüütsch" or rather "Züridütsch"? Vague notions of pursuing an academic career led me to spend three terms studying Theatre Studies at the University of Bern. I then decided that training to be an actor was more my thing and so switched to drama school in Zürich.
It was while at acting school that I hit on the idea of working as a voice actor and voice-over artist, encouraged by an experience from earlier in my life. More about that in my brief story below. I have had my own studio since 2004 and in 2007 went self-employed as a voice talent.
As well as doing numerous commercials for TV and radio, narrations and voice-overs, I have also supplied the voice for cartoons such as «Asterix», «Titeuf» and the «Guetnachtgschichtli», and worked on radio plays like «Philip Maloney». Many people will know me from the Champions League ad breaks.
Likewise, I was the voice of the legendary daily web series Zappin' from 2013 to 2022. And proud to say that I have provided the voice for every one of the more than 2000 episodes that have gone out – never missed a show.
Nowadays I live with my family in Zürich. With my voice-over boutique «Babilon» I have made sure that my clients can use my fantastic service even when it’s not me providing the voice-over for their production.

Photos: Call Me Swami Mooday
Je suis un speaker et comédien voix off suisse et allemande avec mon propre studio.
Sono un speaker, doppiatore e voce svizzero e tedesco con un proprio studio.
Soy locutor suizo y alemán con estudio propio.
Sou um locutor suíço e alemão com o meu próprio estúdio.
A brief story – Telephone marketing
While at school I earned money working for a telephone marketing company, working the phones from 5-8 pm trying to convince people to buy some subscription or other. I was incredibly successful at this but no-one could quite work out my secret. My colleagues were encouraged to listen to me and then try and copy my technique. But without success. One day my boss came to me and said: «I’ve worked out what it is, Herr Gablinger. It’s your voice!»
This came to mind one day while I was at acting school and I suddenly thought, if I sound good over the phone maybe I would be just as good on radio and TV.